Sing Karaoke for free with Yokee app
Members receive 100% savings on their purchase.
- Enjoy the Yokee App for free from your smartphone
- Yokee is the #1 mobile app that allows you and your friends to sing karaoke for FREE.
- Just plug in your headphones, choose your favourite song from our library, and sing your heart out!
- For more fun you can also listen to your friends' performances
- Sing, record and playback versions of you singing your favourite songs
- Choose from a selection of languages
- Free until the 25th of July 2021
- NB: This can only be done on a Mobile!
About Sing Karaoke with Yokee app
Yokee is the #1 mobile app that allows you and your friends to sing karaoke for FREE. Just plug in your headphones, choose your favourite song from our library, and sing your heart out! For more skills and fun, try our FREE Yokee Piano & Yokee Guitar apps!
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